Please consider joining Friends of Browns Canyon for an evening of Dark Sky viewing and education in support of our work to achieve an International Dark Sky Park certification for Browns Canyon National Monument. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, June 18, at Hecla Junction.

Professional photographer Lars Leber and dark-sky photographer Erick Miller will lead the discussion on how to set up camera equipment and what settings work best for night-sky photography. So, be sure to bring a camera or smartphone to capture your own beautiful dark-sky photos.

The event is limited to 10 participants, so if you’d like to attend, please reply to this email or send an email to to reserve your spot for the evening, scheduled to coincide with the new moon. And feel free to include questions when you respond.

The event is free to attend, but since a $10 parking fee is required, we encourage carpooling.

Hecla Junction is at the east end of County Road 194 on the Arkansas River. If the weather does not cooperate, the event could be delayed until Monday, June 19. Any schedule changes will be conveyed via email.