Browns Canyon
National Monument


Dark Sky Event June 18

Dark Sky Event June 18

Please consider joining Friends of Browns Canyon for an evening of Dark Sky viewing and education in support of our work to achieve an International Dark Sky Park certification for Browns Canyon National Monument. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, June 18, at Hecla...

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Clay Jenkinson as John Wesley Powell

Clay Jenkinson as John Wesley Powell

Join us June 25 at the Salida SteamPlant as Clay Jenkinson portrays John Wesley Powell, the American explorer and geologist whose expeditions included boating western U.S. rivers. Proceeds will go to the Central Colorado Humanists Scholarship Fund.

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Help keep oil trains out of Colorado

Help keep oil trains out of Colorado

The Uinta Basin Railway in Utah has received preliminary approval, and if constructed, the UBR will maximize shipments of dirty tar sands oil through Colorado along hundreds of miles of the Colorado River, further threatening a critical water resource that is already...

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Tar sands continue to threaten Colorado

Tar sands continue to threaten Colorado

With A LOT of help from our Friends, we successfully defeated an attempt to reactivate the long-dormant Tennessee Pass rail line without any environmental review. But the Uinta Basin Railway in Utah remains on track for approval. If constructed, the UBR will maximize...

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